7 Considerations before Outsourcing Test Services to Ensure Excellent Product Quality

7 Considerations before Outsourcing Test Services to Ensure Excellent Product Quality

outsourcing test services


Test Automation is a method used to automate certain repetitive tasks and tests within the software development process. Outsourcing test services can save time and costs but involves careful consideration. In this article, we’ll explore important queries to understand before you decide to outsource Test Automation Services.

Here we make a list of Considerations for Outsourcing Test Services & answer them based on our studies & experience from working with top clients.

When considering the outsourcing of Test Services in automation, several key factors must be carefully weighed and understood. These encompass understanding the associated Risks and Benefits, recognizing what problems it can solve, the critical task of Setting Goals for Outsourced Automated Testing, Budgeting to comprehend the full cost landscape, Finding a Vendor that aligns with your requirements, adhering to Security & Compliance standards, and planning for Scaling according to the project’s needs.

In the following article, we will delve into 7 essential considerations to provide comprehensive insights into the complex world of Outsourcing Test Services in automation.

test services

1. Why Outsource Test Automation?

Outsourcing test services in automation can be a strategic move for businesses seeking efficiency and cost-effectiveness in their software development processes. One of the primary advantages lies in the expertise and specialized skills that dedicated test automation teams bring to the table. Outsourcing allows access to professionals well-versed in the latest testing tools, frameworks, and methodologies, ensuring the implementation of robust and effective automated testing solutions. This, in turn, accelerates the testing phase of software development, leading to faster releases and reduced time-to-market.

Moreover, outsourcing test services in automation can result in significant cost savings. Hiring an in-house team with the necessary expertise can be an expensive and time-consuming process. By outsourcing, companies can leverage the cost advantages offered by offshore or nearshore service providers. This cost-effectiveness is particularly beneficial for smaller businesses or those operating on a tight budget, allowing them to allocate resources more efficiently and invest in other critical areas of their operations. However, it’s crucial for organizations to conduct thorough risk assessments and due diligence before outsourcing to ensure compatibility with their specific requirements, as overlooking potential challenges may lead to compromised quality and project delays.

Opting for outsourcing test services in automation provides companies with a strategic opportunity to enhance efficiency, cut costs, and leverage specialized skills. While the advantages are apparent, it is equally crucial for organizations to conscientiously evaluate the associated risks. Establishing clear communication channels, robust contracts, and stringent quality assurance processes is imperative to mitigate potential challenges and ensure a successful collaboration with external partners in the realm of test automation.

2. What are the Risks and Benefits of Outsourcing Test Services in Automation?

In the modern competitive landscape, understanding both the risks and benefits is crucial for businesses considering this path. Let’s delve into the detailed analysis of what Outsourcing Test Services in Automation entails, starting with a close look at the risks, followed by an exploration of the benefits that make outsourcing an attractive option for many organizations.

5 Common Risks of Outsourcing Test Services in Automation

  1. Loss of Control: Outsourcing can lead to reduced control over the testing processes and standards, which may not always align with the company’s specific needs or quality expectations.
  2. Security Concerns: Sharing sensitive data with third-party service providers may expose a company to potential security risks and breaches if not handled with proper safeguards.
  3. Hidden Costs: Unexpected or hidden costs can arise, such as fees for additional services, which may not have been outlined clearly in the initial agreement.
  4. Communication Barriers: Differences in time zones, language, and culture might lead to misunderstandings or ineffective communication, impacting collaboration and project outcomes.
  5. Dependency on Service Provider: Becoming too reliant on a third-party provider may lead to challenges in adaptability and agility if the service provider fails to deliver or if the relationship ends suddenly.
  1. Cost-Effectiveness: Outsourcing test services in automation can offer access to specialized tools and expertise at a fraction of the cost it would take to develop an in-house testing team, saving on training, infrastructure, and maintenance.
  2. Access to Expertise: By outsourcing, companies can leverage the knowledge and experience of experts in the field of test automation, ensuring high-quality and efficient testing.
  3. Scalability and Flexibility: Outsourcing provides the flexibility to scale testing efforts up or down based on project needs, ensuring efficient resource allocation.
  4. Focus on Core Competencies: By entrusting test automation to a specialized provider, in-house teams can focus more on their core business functions and development, optimizing overall productivity.
  5. Faster Time-to-Market: With dedicated resources and expertise, outsourcing test services in automation often lead to quicker testing cycles, enabling faster product releases and quicker response to market demands.

Understanding these risks and benefits can help companies make informed decisions when considering outsourcing test services in automation. Careful selection of the right service provider and clear communication of expectations can mitigate risks and maximize the benefits.

3. What does Outsourcing Test Services in Automation solve?

Outsourcing test services in automation addresses several critical issues that companies often face in their quest for efficient and high-quality software development. One primary advantage is the ability to tap into specialized expertise that may not be readily available in-house. Test automation requires a deep understanding of testing frameworks, tools, and programming languages. By outsourcing these services, organizations can leverage the skills of experienced professionals who are well-versed in the latest technologies and methodologies, ensuring a robust and effective testing strategy.

Additionally, outsourcing test services helps bridge skill gaps within a company. Many organizations may lack the internal resources with the required knowledge and experience in test automation. Outsourcing allows them to bring in external talent that complements their existing team, filling these skill voids and enhancing the overall capability of the testing process. This collaboration between in-house and external experts leads to a more comprehensive and effective approach to test automation.

Furthermore, outsourcing test services in automation contributes to faster time-to-market, a critical factor in today’s fast-paced business environment. With specialized resources and expertise dedicated to test automation, companies can streamline their testing processes, identify and address issues promptly, and accelerate the overall development lifecycle. This agility not only helps organizations stay competitive but also ensures that they can adapt swiftly to market demands and deliver high-quality software products to their customers.

4. How to Set Goals for Outsourcing Test Automation?

Setting goals for Outsourced Test Automation is a critical step in ensuring that the process aligns with your business objectives and quality standards. Here’s a popular approach to setting these goals by doing these things.

  1. Identify Business Objectives: Understand what your business aims to achieve through outsourcing test automation. Is it cost reduction, faster time-to-market, scalability, or access to specialized expertise?
  2. Define Quality Standards: Establish clear quality expectations that align with your product requirements. What level of performance, reliability, and user experience are you aiming for?
  3. Determine Scope and Scale: Specify the types of testing needed (e.g., functional, performance, security), the complexity of the tasks, and the volume of testing required. This helps in selecting the right provider and defining the workload.
  4. Set Clear Milestones and Deadlines: Break down the project into achievable milestones with specific deadlines. This promotes accountability and helps in tracking progress.
  5. Measure and Monitor: Implement metrics and KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) to continuously measure and monitor the effectiveness of the outsourced services. Regularly review and adjust goals as needed.
  6. Emphasize Communication and Collaboration: Ensure that there is clear communication between your team and the outsourced testing provider. Regular updates, meetings, and collaboration are vital for alignment and success.
  7. Address Security and Compliance: If applicable, set goals regarding the handling of sensitive data, adherence to regulations, and compliance with security standards.

By adhering to these popular practices, you can set clear and realistic goals for Outsourced Test Automation Outsourcing, ensuring that the service aligns with your expectations and contributes positively to your business outcomes.

5. How to compute a realistic ROI for Outsourced Test Automation? 

Understand the full cost, including hidden expenses that may arise during the process.
Communicating with an expert can help you understand the feasibility of your project.

We also break down the steps on how you can compute a realistic ROI based on your scope and requirements on another topic.

6. Security & Compliance

Ensuring data protection and compliance with regulations is vital. Here is a list of some important things you need to consider when giving access to your important data to 3rd party test automation services.

  1. Data Handling:
    • Data Protection
    • Regulatory Compliance with industry-specific standards
  2. Security Measures:
    • Security Protocols
    • Risk Assessment
    • Employee Training on security best practices
  3. Contractual Obligations:
    • Contractual Agreements defining data handling, confidentiality, and security responsibilities
    • Insurance and Liability considerations
  4. Monitoring and Response:
    • Audit and Continuous Monitoring
    • Incident Response plan
  5. Certifications and Standards:
    • Compliance with global security standards
    • Security Certifications like ISO 27001

Once Security & Compliance has been considered, you can consider if scaling your project is part of your planning.

7. Scaling Benefits, Risks, and Future Planning

Scaling Benefits: One of the primary advantages of outsourcing test automation is the flexibility it provides in scaling operations. Companies can dynamically adjust resources based on project requirements, ensuring optimal efficiency and cost control. This scalability allows organizations to handle varying workloads without the need for a fixed, in-house testing team. Additionally, by tapping into external expertise and resources, companies can access a broader skill set, enhancing their testing capabilities. This strategic scaling approach not only streamlines operations but also promotes agility, enabling businesses to respond promptly to market changes and evolving project needs.

Scaling Risks: Rapidly expanding the scope of testing operations carries inherent risks that demand careful consideration. Firstly, there is the potential jeopardy to testing quality as an increased workload may inadvertently lead to oversights or diminished attention to detail. Concurrently, the risk of losing valuable expertise looms large, as the swift scaling process may not seamlessly integrate the intricate knowledge held by experienced testing professionals. In navigating these challenges, establishing transparent communication channels and crafting meticulous agreements with the right outsourced testing vendor become pivotal. By doing so, organizations can not only safeguard against the pitfalls of rapid scaling but also foster a collaborative environment that ensures both the quantity and quality of testing align with the desired standards.

Future Planning: Future planning in the context of test automation outsourcing involves a strategic approach to ensure long-term success. Companies need to consider factors such as technological advancements, evolving industry standards, and changing business requirements. Establishing a roadmap for ongoing collaboration with the outsourcing partner is essential. This may include regular reviews, updates to testing processes, and adapting to emerging technologies to stay ahead of the curve. Future planning should also encompass contingency measures, allowing for flexibility in scaling based on the organization’s growth trajectory. By staying proactive and forward-thinking, companies can harness the full potential of outsourced test automation while effectively navigating the challenges of scalability and future uncertainties.

Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

What to look for in an Outsourced testing partner for best success?

Choose a reputable vendor by considering:

  • Vendor Expertise: Assess the skill levels and expertise.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Look for genuine customer feedback. Check their online footprint to get a better idea of their reputation.

Project Transition

An effective transition to an outsourced provider requires:

  • Effective Communication: Keep channels open.
  • Knowledge Transfer: Ensure a smooth handover of information.

Ongoing project Relationship

Maintain a successful relationship with:

  • Monitoring and Feedback: Regular reviews and adjustments.
  • Transparency: Open communication fosters trust.


Outsourcing Test Automation Services can be advantageous but requires careful planning and consideration. Follow these insights to make an informed decision that aligns with your business needs and goals.

A suitable test automation service provider should align with your company’s specific needs, offer transparent and cost-effective solutions, possess the required expertise, and enable you to achieve your business goals without compromising on quality or security. By evaluating these aspects, you can make an informed decision on whether a provider is a good fit for your organization and maximize the benefits of outsourcing.

Here at QE 360, our Quality Engineers are committed to providing tailored solutions that resonate with your specific needs. Let’s sit down and discuss how we can turn your concerns into a strategic advantage.

Don’t leave your test automation to chance; trust the experts at QE 360 to assess and align with your specific needs. Your success is our priority.

QE 360 Test Automation Services are available to different Software Testing types

Please read our answers for web and mobile testing common Q&A’s:

What are web test automation services?

Web test automation services play a crucial role in modern software development by leveraging specialized tools and frameworks to streamline the testing of web applications. These services encompass a comprehensive evaluation of various aspects, including functionality, usability, security, and performance. By automating repetitive testing tasks, they ensure that web applications exhibit consistent behavior across diverse browsers and platforms. This not only accelerates the testing process but also enhances the overall quality of web applications, providing developers with valuable insights into potential issues and vulnerabilities. These web test automation services really help ensure we deliver strong and dependable web applications.

Outsourcing web test automation services offers corporations a compelling advantage in terms of cost-effectiveness. This strategic approach allows businesses to tap into the specialized skills and resources of external service providers, eliminating the need for substantial in-house investments. By entrusting testing responsibilities to experts, organizations can access cutting-edge testing tools and methodologies tailored to their specific needs. This not only reduces overall project costs but also enhances the efficiency of the testing process. The financial benefits extend beyond immediate savings, as outsourcing enables companies to allocate resources more judiciously, focusing on core competencies and accelerating time-to-market for their web applications.

What are mobile app test automation services?

Mobile app test automation services play a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency and reliability of mobile applications. These services are designed to automate the testing process across a spectrum of devices, operating systems, and screen dimensions. By incorporating UI testing, compatibility testing, and performance testing, they contribute to the seamless functioning of mobile applications. Through meticulous automation, developers can identify and rectify potential issues, ensuring that the app performs optimally on diverse platforms. This approach not only saves time but also enhances the overall user experience, providing a robust and error-free mobile application that meets the expectations of users across different devices and operating systems.

Outsourcing mobile app test automation services presents a significant advantage through heightened efficiency and speed. This approach provides businesses access to specialized tools and frameworks crafted explicitly for the rapid and comprehensive testing of mobile applications across diverse scenarios. By leveraging these resources, outsourcing providers can expedite the testing process, ensuring thorough examination under various conditions, from user interface responsiveness to functionality across multiple devices. This not only accelerates the development lifecycle but also enhances the overall quality of mobile apps, as outsourcing partners bring expertise and tailored solutions to the table, allowing companies to focus on core competencies while benefiting from a streamlined and effective testing process.